Monday, November 10, 2008


Dear Consequence,
Your glitter was all over my hands this morning. I put myself in my dream boat that is glued to my floor. My memory box was full and no messages were able to travel to my ears with out having to wait in line to get through.My sleep holds me hostage. I cook in the night.
First, I get into bed with a shaking tail and cold toes that curl.Then, I collapse into sleep and wake up in between with a fire that makes me roll around like a marble.I have been confusing my dreams with my reality and when I try to explain they never sound like the way they looked.How can they when I watch with my eyes closed?
The days I feel insane come with so much noise. I grind my teeth like I am sawing through my anxiety. Another day passed with a celebration attatched to it.All of the party favors made my head hurt a little bit.
I look through my mind's eye with a magnifying glass. I am filled with wonder. Crazy nights look like a bowl of cereal that never let you get to the bottom with out leaving a trace.
I cradle the feeling of adoration instead of letting it just sit around. All parts are included. Safety is like trying to capture wind.I can't wish it to be different. The moment is the truth which can never be manipulated. I have to learn when to walk away. I can't get stuck in yesterday's business.
Drinks,secrets, and crazy dreams are painting my day. I get to drink tea and jump into a giant canvas where there is enough to to keep me satisfied. You should come over.Stay until the morning.

Yours Truly,

1 comment:

JL said...

impressive and inspirational....