Sunday, October 19, 2008


I try a little harder because I need to get farther. I need some attention. I am starving for affection.I make noise to get rid of the sound. I lose myself to see what I have found. I reach for what is far away. I want to leave so I can stay. I am too sensitive and too intense. I like myself less and less. I find being alone to be too much. Being a recluse has been my favorite crutch.I face myself so I can hide. I fake a smile even when I cry. Ideas tarnish way too soon. I plug my ears to hear my own tune. I wait until the end before I start. I put it together just to pull it apart. Trying to run when all I do is crawl. Having nothing makes me want it all.

1 comment:

jsm said...

If there ever was a means to attention...

a sure thing...

do you think I'd use it?

probably, and then I'd feel like shit the next day.

I had one of these days not too long ago.