Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Wonder Where I Wander

The committed quitter keeps their hand on the trigger.
Raise your glass to sorrow and say goodbye.
Say hello to the things that make you cry.
Close this hole I am in, I somehow fell.
I fell asleep like a stone at the bottom of a well.
I've stayed way too long.
Anywhere else is where I belong.
All of these ghosts that I kick around.
They come to visit me when I am down.
My cup always turns into a bucket.
Once I begin is when I say FUCK IT.
There is no way to really explain.
All of the things that make me insane.
I was so certain about my own doubt.
But,no one has it all figured out.
I am not a victim of circumstance.
I created this with my own two hands.
I can sit in an alley where people desire to be clean.
They repeat your name and then you join their team.
I bet on myself that I can count the days.
I cut to the chase so I can call it a phase.

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