Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Windy City Lady

I started off in a beautiful place
that carries a wind that bites your face
my childhood was left behind there
who I was becoming is all that I would hear
shared everything that was born
my ideas wore bells and horns
seasons were colors that I used to paint
experiences that could only belong to my fate
more than one way to move within the busy streets
architecture that makes my house look incomplete
neighborhoods that designed their place on the map
energy that doesn't know how to take a nap
my old room where all of the ghosts stay
they miss me because I choose to live in today
I took the things I believe
are me
with me
along with the light from my favorite city
I can take a plane to my friends
so I can feel a heart to call home again
a light that reaches out to me
even when it gets too dark to see
never fading
I am your Windy City Lady


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