Thursday, April 30, 2009


I decided to fall in love in my songs with a person I can’t see- someone I haven’t met, and have them be like prayers almost, romantic prayers.

ta-da and good day.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I don't know
I feel better
never ending smile
return to sender
float in my paper boat
feel my heart
towing me
also known as the start
forgetting there is
rememebering why I am here
gave me luck
settling in
won't fuss
remember the wind
never stuck


Safe Landing

I love Chicago

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I begin to create the images
of what I see
just to get somehwere
I am afraid of myself
I can say it
I am becoming something
again and again
to remember to write
wish I could keep the language simple
I open the door
but most of me
it never gets in
I can still hide
this way
I get more good ideas
from a destroyed day


Monday, April 13, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009


the light bulb will burn out
the moment I can forget about you
I foolishly bought your words
you with all of your static
so what if I am available
I give myself a million-plus
in the name of art
to illuminate my heart
I wanted to show you something
I will dismiss your lack of credibility
there is no punishment to give myself
for believing it when you named me beautiful
I was impressed by your clever and quick silver streaks
but I can no longer pay attention
I will wonder
the only side effect
hang in



words can move when you say them with your hands
I have been face down on the bed sheets
wandering through my simple dreams
parked in a maze
lazy in the daze
it left a bad taste in my mouth
my tongue is tired
I need to land this bird
make the changes
no more waiting
putting my shoes on
silently praying
be quick
wear joy
stare at the face of possibility
music to keep me saturated
starting today
I can make the ticking of the clock more quiet


bury me here