Monday, December 2, 2013

Noisy Fingers

your eyes look like guardians protecting this secret
the one you hum to yourself
the one your hands try to rub off of your face
the one that steals your breath in the morning
and leaves you with soft laughter

your heart skips and hiccups
when i appear in your daydream
it runs like a natural slave
toward a beautiful story
that you're designing to be told

i can feel the full weight of your skin
i can feel your vibrations
this feeling pulls me into a world where there is no room for the uninvited
and your gold dust is left in my pockets

make a wish and bury it in your pillow pile tonight
the night is on a mission
the stars will reflect your debris

under the shadows
your desire grows
it spills over you like confetti
while my name floats like a cherry
you can't tear it from the skin of your teeth
you can't be a stranger to a routine

your understanding of this is infinite
like the sea
in this stretch of silence between us
we are built out of dreams
this is where it begins
open your eyes


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